The youth of St. Anne Parish are invited to serve at Mass and other liturgical services. Servers are usually recruited in 4th through 8th grade as high school students. These students will perform altar serving tasks at any selected Mass service, as well as weddings and funerals. Please see the Parish Rectory Office for more information.
Boys interested in scouting may join St. Anne’s Cub Scout Pack 1478 (grades 1 – 5) or Boy Scout Troop 1478 (grades 5 and up). The Boy Scouts of America encourage boys to learn their duty to God, country, family and self. Scouts learn to make wise decisions, keep themselves healthy, and become self-reliant. They participate in camping, hiking, outdoor exploration, and healthy competition. The Cub Scouts meet as a group at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month and as a grade 2-3 times each month. There is a membership drive in September, although a boy may join anytime. The Boy Scouts meet every Tuesday during the school year at 7 p.m.
St. Anne Catholic Grade School is a member of the Eastside Catholic Forensic League. The league exists to provide students in grades five through eight with an opportunity to participate in a number of oral interpretation and public speaking events. With the leadership of teachers and parents as coaches, students practice acting out literary pieces and memorizing them for competition with other schools in the league. Categories to chose from are Prose, Duo, Poetry, Drama, Multiple, Storytelling and Declamation. Through this experience, students will gain self confidence, the ability to communicate, and the enjoyment and appreciation of a variety of literature. See Mrs. Reed for more details.
There are four levels of Girl Scouts that the young ladies of St. Anne have the opportunity to join. In Kindergarten and 1st grade, girls may join the Daisy Girl Scouts. The Daisy program has been around for over 15 years. The program offers your daughter a safe, nurturing, socially enriching experience. The next level of Girl Scouts is Brownies. These young ladies are in grades 2 and 3. The third level is considered Junior Girl Scouts and is available to girls in grades 4 and 5. The final stage is the Cadette Girl Scout. This level is reserved for girls in grades 6 through 8. Each Girl Scout Troop offers girls the opportunity to learn and believe in herself, develop an awareness of others and a sense of personal responsibility; build a sense of personal worth and develop a growing awareness of her world; develop a concept of good citizenship and learn how to work in small groups; and finally, they find guidance as she grows physically, intellectually, socially, emotionally and spiritually. Girl Scout Troops meet twice a month for 1 ½ hours.
St. Anne Student Council is composed of eighth grade officers, seventh and eight grade class representatives, and moderators. Officers consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The purpose of the student council is to introduce pupils to student government, to involve students in problem solving, and to build the Christian leaders of tomorrow.
The St. Anne Multicultural Club is a place for students to meet and learn about different cultures throughout the world. We focus on one country each month, with a focus on one continent each year. During the 2019/2020 school year we will look at countries from Europe. The club will briefly learn about the countries language, arts, and food, among other information.
Students are encouraged to join to learn a little bit more about the huge world we live in.
5th – 8th graders are welcome to participate. The club meets Wednesdays, starting in October, during lunch/recess
from 12:30-1:30 promptly. The club will meet in the art room with lunches.
Sign up outside of Spanish or Art room each month for each new country. Only those who sign up can participate each month.
Questions, comments, concerns? Contact club leaders
Sarah Schantz (art):
Dianne Reinel (spanish):
Our goal is to provide a social outlet for the men of St. Anne that will allow a new avenue for fundraising. The fundraising efforts will be aimed at activities not in our normal realm, nor in competition with current organizations. There are no membership dues and meetings are held on the 1st Friday of every month.
If you are interested in becoming a member, stop by the next meeting or contact the school office.
The St. Anne Men’s Club has been incorporated with two purposes: to provide charitable support of St. Anne Catholic Grade School, and to provide fellowship among the men of St. Anne Parish.
All men over the age of 21 are eligible to join the St. Anne Men’s Club.
The St. Anne Madonna Guild Moms’ Club is open to all mothers and grandmothers of children attending St. Anne Catholic Grade School and St. Anne Catholic religious education.
We support our school library, technology improvements, textbook purchases, in-school field trips, playground equipment, a Santa Shop, a Reading Garden, a school Ice Cream Social, and other programs. At least two fundraisers are held each year to fund these events. Most importantly, we have a fun time together!
Dues are $10 per year, and meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month during the school year.
The objectives of the Madonna Guild are to work for the educational welfare of St. Anne Catholic Grade School, to encourage religious interest, and to promote sociability among women.
President – Lauren Scartozzi
VP – Shannon Fulton
Treasurer – Christina Valenti
Recording secretary – Danielle Nunhold
Membership secretary – Nicole Holder