The awards that St. Anne recognizes are First Honors, Second Honors, First Honors in conduct and perfect attendance. These awards are an accumulation of the school year and will be awarded at the end of each school year at an awards assembly on the last day of school. These awards will apply to third through eighth grades only. Students will receive one award of the highest honor available. Any other awards that a teacher supplies are issued and maintained by that individual teacher. Students with a tuition balance that have not paid or made arrangements with the tuition office will have their academic awards withheld and not be presented at the awards ceremony.
First Honors are merited by those students whose total marks have achieved an average of 3.5 to 4.0 in all core academic subjects, and achieve an average conduct grade of B or better. Please note that any student who receives a conduct grade of D or F in any term or class (including specials) will be ineligible.
Second Honors are merited by those students whose total marks have achieved an average of 3.0 to 3.49 in all core academic subjects, and achieve an average conduct grade of B or better. Please note that any student who receives a conduct grade of D or F in any term or class (including specials) will be ineligible.
Award eligibility example:
A = 4 pts B = 3 pts C = 2 pts D = 1 pt.
Core academic subjects considered: Math, English, Science, Language Arts (Literature), Social Studies and Religion.
Calculation: To calculate honors points, add each of the six final core academic subject points together that correlate to the chart above and divide by six.
Final Avg. Grades: Math: A, English: B, Science: A, Literature: A, Social Studies.: B, Religion: A
4+3+4+4+3+4 = 22 / 6 = 3.66 (First Honors)
First Honors Conduct are merited by those students who achieve an average conduct grade of B or better in all core academic subjects that have grade point totals less than 3.0 and are therefore ineligible for First Honors or Second Honors awards. Please note that any student who receives a conduct grade of D or F in any term or class (including specials) will be ineligible.
Perfect Attendance
Perfect attendance entails that a student have zero tardy and zero days absent regardless if a student was excused or unexcused. Exceptions may be made for tardy or absences for school related activities. The final decision is determined by the school principal.
Updated 11/28/16
The DRA test is traditionally administered on an annual or semi-annual basis. The test measures nine categories of reading behaviors and six types of errors. It was developed in 1986 (and revised in both 2000 and 2003) by a committee of educators and is intended to evaluate certain aspects of your child’s reading level. The two main aspects are phonemic awareness and alphabetic principle.
Tasks measured are divided into:
After the test is evaluated and scored, your child is assigned a numeric DRA level A1 through 80. Children with stronger reading abilities yield higher numbers. Teachers are easily able to give children books they can read by choosing a text with the corresponding DRA level.
Grade Normal DRA Level:
Schools within the Archdiocese of Detroit take this test as well as national private schools. Scores are compared to other students.
Percentage and percentile are not the same. A percentage indicates the proportion of questions answered correctly. Daily school work (homework, quizzes, tests, papers, etc.) are graded on a percentage basis. The IOWA scores are reported in percentiles, which indicate where on a scale from 1-100 our students rank compared with the other students who took the test.
Please click the appropriate grade below to learn current year scores.
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade